german history is changing

One of the most dangerous parts of this deal is that when the UK and EU disagree on its terms, the conflict will be decided by the European Court of Justice (ecj).This sounds like a mere technicality. ... This is like letting a player from the rival soccer team act as referee. ..

mexico: the ongoing crime

In hindsight, the second reason we gave President Fox for prosecuting the “dirty war” disappearances—justice as a deterrent against future abuses—warranted much greater emphasis.  Among the cases that Murillo Karam’s team was unable to resolve was the disappearances of 10 people..

san francisco bay view » john burris calls for boycott of sf giants:

As such, it's anathema to my sense of justice to support team. Charles Johnson's financial support is affront to all African American families that have been victims of Mississippi's historical legacy of suppression, violence, intimidation, racial and discrimination among its other..

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