politics of dehumanization in the united states

Hundreds of women march outside the Justice Department as part of a rally calling for 'an end to family detention' and in opposition to the immigration policies of the Trump administration, in Washington, U.S., June 28, 2018. . © 2018 Reuters . The US Department of Justice (DOJ) sent an..


President Trump's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to Supreme Court has incensed union officials, who cite the nominee's pro-business stance as cause for concern. ..

minnesotans defend unions before crucial court case

In 2016, the Supreme Court heard a similar case from California, but voted 4-4 and never decided the case because of the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. This time, all eyes will be on the new justice, Neil Gorsuch. . Because President Donald Trump appointed Gorsuch, union members..

government may gain new power to shoot down drones

House approved Wednesday by 398-23 vote, and Senate is expected pass it on to President Donald Trump's in the coming days. It would give Homeland Security Department and Justice Department power to develop and deploy system to spot, track and shoot down drones, as unmanned aircraft are..

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