media groups press to make public records of sc house gop caucus

for nearly 90 minutes, Jay Bender, representing the media group including The State that sued for caucus records, and caucus Jennifer Hollingsworth argued over how various court decisions, Freedom of Information Act, state laws and House rules to the case. . Arguing the caucus secret spending..!/quality/90/?

stone to plead not guilty to mueller charges, won't testify against

He was arrested in early-morning raid at his house Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on Friday. judge ordered him to be released on $250,000 bond. His travel was also restricted to Florida, Washington, and New York, D.C.. ..

how trump suborns perjury

Democrats like Representative Ted Lieu of California suggested impeachment proceedings could arise from Trump’s apparent obstruction of justice. Even House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler, who has cautioned against a rush to impeachment, asserted, “We know that the President has engaged in..

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