monthly review

Dimitrov focused on the inconsistency between the prosecution’s claim that the Communists had set the fire and Goebbels’s earlier accusation that the Social Democrats had also been involved. Judge Buenger had apparently learned something from Goering’s appearance, for he suggested at..

justice kennedy retiring from supreme court

Trump’s nominee is likely to give the conservatives a solid majority and will face a Senate process in which Republicans hold the slimmest majority, but Democrats can’t delay confirmation. . Trump’s first high court nominee, Justice Neil Gorsuch, was confirmed in April 2017. ..

trump nominates kavanaugh for supreme court

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump chose Brett Kavanaugh, solidly conservative, connected judge, for Supreme Court, setting up battle with Democrats as he seeks to shift the highest court ever further to the right.. ... With Democrats determined to oppose Trump's, Senate..

a very private man goes public

Currently the White House counsel, essentially the president's lawyer, Gonzales, if confirmed by the Senate, would be the first Hispanic to hold the top Justice Department post, a political plus for Republicans who, like the Democrats, are heavily courting Latino voters. . ..

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Dating back to 1970, the county has only elected two Republicans to local government in partisan races — former Johnson County Sheriff Gary Hughes and former Clerk of Court Mary Conklin. Forty-four percent of the county’s voters are registered Democrats. . ..

a plebe's site

The Progressive-Democrats in Congress have sought out and brought up a second “witness” claiming a sexual assault by Judge and Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh.  ..

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Furthermore, the concept of justice under the law is being nullified through the campaign by Democrats to deny conservatives the assumption of innocence or the courtesies extended to liberals. The adult sexual sins of Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Keith Ellison, and Chris Dodd, for example,..

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This story came to life during the nomination of my favorite Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas. ... When I saw the Democrats put forward a woman who made unverifiable claims to try to stop a pro-life man from reaching the Supreme Court, I learned a valuable lesson. ..

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