
justice department: half of young illegal immigrants skip

Half of young illegal immigrants that are caught crossing the border are no-shows deportation courts, deciding to hide out in the country potentially for the rest of their lives, according to new Justice Department statistics.. Potentially 25,000 mostly young, single males from Latin America do not..!/quality/90/?

avenatti's political career takes a hit as legal troubles pile up

Grassley wants Justice Department to look at whether Avenatti and his client are guilty of conspiracy, ments, and obstructing Congress during Kavanaugh's confirmation process for the made against Kavanaugh. ... In the matter, California judge ruled he had to pay Jason Frank $4.85..

toward racial justice and a third reconstruction

This reactionary Republican Party now controls the presidency, both houses of Congress, the federal judiciary, 33 governorships, and a record 68 of the 99 state legislative bodies, including both houses in 32 states, not to speak of most of the police and sheriff’s departments in the country. .....

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