abortion policies and cases to watch in 2019

South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas have all submitted waivers asking the federal government for permission to remove abortion providers from their Medicaid programs. The Trump administration, which has pushed anti-abortion policies, is expected to weigh in on those waivers this year. ..

brothersjudd blog: january 2019 archives

Sotomayor is a crusader for the rights of the accused and views government overreach through the lens of social justice. ... This is about as close as the Trump administration is going to get to admitting that it used a formal government report to distort data to slime..


three people have died in national parks since start of government

Three people have died in national parks around the country, including a 14-year-old girl who fell 700 feet down a canyon, since the start of the government shutdown, during which the Trump administration chose to keep the parks open. . ... Unlike in some recent government..


He underlined that Trump's violation of Iraq's sovereignty will not remain 'unpunished', adding that the Iraqi government should now expel the US forces. . Al-Moussavi said that Trump wants to undermine Iraq's sovereignty by his visit to Ain al-Assad base, and added, 'We will not..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.