trump says jewish people voting democratic show

This is yet another example of Donald Trump continuing to weaponize and politicize anti-Semitism, said Halie Soifer, director of Jewish Democratic Council of America.. ... It's dangerous and shameful for President Trump to attack the majority of American Jewish as..!/quality/90/?

trump’s ‘disloyalty’ comment about american jews who vote

Asked to react to Omar and Tlaib's Israel-bashing press conference, Trump went off on their hatred of Israel. He then wrapped up his comments, saying, Any Jewish people that vote for Democrat — I think it shows either total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty... ..!/quality/90/?

american jews owe no loyalty to israel or trump

For Trump to feel entitled to Jewish support treats Jews like political leverage rather than people.. But if Trump refuses to listen to the condemnation of American Jews and continues his calls for loyalty, he's not just ignorant. ..

the hard white wall of hypocrisy

President Trump is the President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the President for Israel in the history of the world and Jewish people Israel love him.. — Donald J. Trump actually cancelled visit to Denmark that was supposed to have happened..

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