the latest: netanyahu challenger: too soon to call victory

In speech to his supporters, Lieberman says the choice is for the large parties to join him in broad, coalition that would not be subject to the demands of ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties.. In the closing days of his campaign, Netanyahu had vowed to annex large parts of West Bank. ..!/image/1803029112.jpg_gen/derivatives/headline_1200x630/1803029112.jpg

how conservative american money helped the religious right take over

closer look at the political camp Netanyahu has been heading for over decade, reveals that most of the right's ideas and energies do not stem from the minister's villa Caesarea, except rather from new elite based in Jewish settlements of West Bank. Gone are Likud, Netanyahu's party,..

'There won't and cannot be a government supported by anti-Zionist Arab parties who deny the existence of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, who glorify bloodthirsty terrorists who murder our soldiers,' Netanyahu added. . ..

israel's netanyahu fights for record fifth term

An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man walks past a Likud party election campaign banner depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. ... An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man walks past a Likud party election campaign banner depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin..

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