in new york times israel coverage, anything goes

The ad points to merger between Jewish Home and Jewish Power which Prime Minister facilitated.. On the news side, that Pew survey found that nearly half of Israeli Jews favor expelling all Palestinians and the completely unfounded claim that most of Jaffa's Arab residents were expelled..

israeli attitudes towards american jews

This gap goes back to the early days when David Ben-Gurion got into battle with Jacob Blaustein, president of American Jewish Committee. ... Today, long after Eban and Meir, American Jews and Israelis are called upon to exhibit moral fiber by using their very Jewish as vehicle..

high time to revisit the law of return? -

Second, never cease to defend Israel against all its enemies, and attack those Jews and Jewish  of  the Diaspora. ... I propose that full consideration be given to amend Law of Return and in particular sections 1  and  2 and in particular sub-paragraph 2 , of the law  so as deny..

farcical israeli elections

They're also constrained by Law of Political Parties and section 7A of Basic Law that prohibit candidates from denying the existence of the State of Israel as the state of Jewish people exclusively.. Under the law for Arabs and Jews, no candidate may challenge Israel's Jewish..

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