why is the european union failing?

Poland, and Italy, and growing nationalist movements Germany, now Spain, and France, it's clear there is mass discontent with European Union today.. ... The League Italy, Alternative für Deutschland Germany, Rassemblement National France, and now Vox Spain.. ..

chicago boyz » crony capitalism

Although Mussolini, the founder of European fascism, once headed the Communist Party in Italy, and Hitler founded the National Socialist Party, neither implemented socialism domestically. ... The U.S. today is to China what Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland are to Germany, and..

chicago boyz » libertarianism

Although Mussolini, the founder of European fascism, once headed the Communist Party in Italy, and Hitler founded the National Socialist Party, neither implemented socialism domestically. ... The U.S. today is to China what Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland are to Germany, and..

chicago boyz » kevin villani

Although Mussolini, the founder of European fascism, once headed the Communist Party in Italy, and Hitler founded the National Socialist Party, neither implemented socialism domestically. ... The U.S. today is to China what Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland are to Germany, and..

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