the sorry state of the nobel peace prize

The problem here was that you could not reward Sadat’s courage without also awarding the Israeli leader Menachem Begin, whose primary objective was to be as crafty and mendacious as possible while pacifying Israel’s western border. This was seen as a necessary step that would allow further..

media war on nonbelligerent iran

WaPo editors featured it against nonbelligerent Iran — ignoring US-led NATO, Israeli, and Saudi crimes multiple countries.. ... Fact Warmaking and other provocations are US, NATO, Israeli, Saudi specialties, not how nonbelligerent Iran operates.. ..

new israeli report lies about anti-semitism

In my 2014 book The Battle for Justice Palestine, about how Israeli companies move from within Israel to industrial zones inside settlements in West Bank, where they can evade Israeli environmental regulations.. ... On the occasion the report mentions me, it takes exception to how I..

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