tight race in israeli elections

“In the coming days, we will enter into negotiations to establish a strong Zionist government and to prevent a dangerous anti-Zionist government,” he told supporters at a post-election rally in Tel Aviv. . The “anti-Zionist” reference was directed at Israel’s Arab parties,..!/image/1803029112.jpg_gen/derivatives/headline_1200x630/1803029112.jpg

how conservative american money helped the religious right take over

This legislation, which provoked an international stir, bestows a constitutionally superior status on Jewish citizens in Israel over Arab and other non-Jewish ones — thus, in effect, violating the principles set forth in Israel’s Declaration of Independence.  . The law originated in two of the..

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to form a “strong, Zionist government” after his Likud party came in second in exit polls in Israel’s election, warning his supporters of a “dangerous, anti-Zionist government.” . ... 'There won't and cannot be a government..

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