
white house hears opportunity knocking with jewish voters

o Democrats failure to condemn anti-Semitism, White House and Trump campaign officials believe Trump's own pro- Israel policies will influence Jewish vote in 2020... There is no supporter of Jewish people than President Trump, defended Israel at United Nations unlike..

fact tank - news in numbers

Some of this decline is due to In some recent years, France has been the origin country for immigrants to Israel with 7,238 French emigrating there in 2014 and 7,328 doing so in 2015, according to Jewish Agency for Israel. While estimates of France's Jewish population..

a match made in hell

As Senators Jackson and Moynihan’s leadership shows, neoconservatism was never just a Jewish thing. Researchers Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould wrote on Truthdig “Although clearly acting as a political front for Israel’s interests and an engine for permanent war, neoconservatism..

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