monthly review

James Membrez translated this essay from the original French. . All the currents that claim adherence to political Islam proclaim the “specificity of Islam.” ... On the basis of this position, every current of political Islam chooses to conduct its struggle on the terrain of..

6 sentenced in plot to bomb u.s. embassy

The plot is one of three Islamic militant operations that French intelligence and police officials have foiled recent years - the others were plan to attack crowded market Strasbourg December 2000 and 2002 plot to attack Russian Embassy or other targets Paris with chemical bomb.. ..

rising restrictions on religion

In France – which in 2004 banned the wearing of conspicuous religious symbols, including head scarves and large crosses, in public schools – some politicians began calling for the establishment of a commission to study the effect of head-to-toe burqas and face-covering Islamic veils on..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.