monthly review

A lead agency was selected from two organizations that were nominated: the Arab American Family Support Center (AAFSC), and the Brooklyn Cultural Center, which is responsible for opening the Alnoor Islamic School. ..

rumsfeld plays down shiite influence

Yesterday, during the day of Muslim prayers, hundreds of worshippers sat on Nasiriyah and listened to cleric declare that Iraqis must unite to build Islamic state.. Clovis Maksoud, ambassador with League of Arab States at United Nations and professor at American University, said that..

james taranto's opinions

Geert Wilders: Champion of freedom or anti-Islamic provocateur? Both. . The War Against the Normal (The American Spectator, November) . Smearing Sarah Palin as a devout Christian and a mother. . ..

the next world order

The senior official also recommended as interesting thinkers on the Middle East Charles Hill, of Yale, who in a recent essay declared, “Every regime of the Arab-Islamic world has proved a failure,” and Reuel Marc Gerecht, of the American Enterprise Institute, who published an article in..

they’re only sleeping

They fought on the side of the Taliban in Afghanistan, but their long-range goal was to establish an Islamic state throughout Central Asia. . In mid-November, rumors began circulating that Namangani had been killed by American bombs, but there was no proof that this was so, and the details..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.