the iran nuclear deal: a timeline

Hide Footnote France and Germany and Trump, mutually acceptable compromise among Western powers seemed within reach, and Trump deemed the insufficient and pulled U.S out of JCPOA on May 2018, starting the clock on U.S sanctions snapback. ..

trump, bolton and the syrian confusion

In Cairo, Pompeo denied that there was any contradiction whatsoever about Trump's position on withdrawal. . ... This article was posted on Thursday, January 17th, 2019 at 3 16pm and is filed under Donald Trump, Egypt, Iraq, ISIS, John Bolton, Jordan, Media, Militarism, Politics,..

four americans killed in islamic state attack in syria

Trump’s withdrawal announcement, made over the objections of his top national security officials, “set in motion enthusiasm by the enemy we’re fighting,” said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a prominent Trump ally who has nonetheless criticized the military drawdown. . “I saw this in..

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