20 years of putin in power: a timeline

A military conflict between Ukrianian forces and pro-Russian separatists also begins in eastern Ukraine, and in July, a Russian-made Buk missile shoots down a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane over the territory. ... Nemtsov had been a powerful political opponent of Putin's and worked to expose..

open borders made america great

And, if your parents, or grandparents, or great-grandparents immigrated to the United States before 1924—when xenophobic panic about Southern and Eastern Europeans spurred the first truly restrictive laws for white migrants—they were undocumented, too. . . ..


Arabic-language Qassiyoun news website quoted commander of National Army affiliated to Turkish Army Yousef Hamoud as saying that sum of 14,000 Ankara-backed terrorists are ready for imminent military operations Eastern Syria.. ... Kurdish official warned on Monday that the US had given greenlight..


prime minister addresses nation: a new era has begun in j&k, ladakh

All these siblings who believe in the Indian Constitution are entitled to live a good life. ... Maulvi Ghulam Din of Poonch district, who had told the Indian Army about Pakistani intruders in the Battle of 65, was awarded the Ashoka Chakra, Colonel Sonam Vananchug of Ladakh, who had killed..

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