religious liberty is in the bible

As recently as 1993, Congress overwhelmingly passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) (the law passed unanimously in the House and by a 97-3 vote in the Senate and was signed into law by President Clinton). . ..

schiff’s deep state collusion

This is the conversation that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi relied on Sept. 24 when she pulled the trigger to begin the process of impeaching President Trump, falsely claiming Trump “asked a foreign government to help him in his political campaign at the expense of our national.. news forum

After Trump responded to a question from Reuters White House correspondent Jeff Mason, Mason asked him to clarify his response. “But the question, sir, was what did you want President Zelensky to do about Vice President Biden and his son Hunter?” ..

farmers and ethanol producers need relief now

Ethanol producers and corn farmers held telephone press conference Wednesday to spotlight recent research on the impacts of ethanol plant closings, new survey on voter attitudes about ethanol, and White House agreement to promote further renewable fuels use.. The message from Renewable Fuels..

a contrast in styles: welcome to the world of canada’s kinder,

“We stood up to Donald Trump on trade when the Conservatives wanted Canada to back down,” said foreign minister Chrystia Freeland, a Liberal cabinet member, as the visual image showed Trump and Trudeau at the White House. . The president is immensely unpopular in Canada; some Liberal..

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