
fact-checking is broken: the petty, pedantic, pointless picking at

Remarkably, it contained only a small portion of the incendiary, untethered, free-wheeling rhetoric we’ve come to expect from the current White House resident. . In fact, the president was surprisingly on message — restrained even. ..!/quality/90/?

nancy pelosi shakes her head as trump declares, 'the state of the

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats appeared annoyed when the audience chanted. USA after President Trump lauded the strength of the nation... Members of Congress, of our union is strong, Trump declared during his address Tuesday night.. ..!/quality/90/?

byron york: trump goes big, uses delayed state of the union to make

., disinvited President Trump from delivering State of Union on its scheduled date, Jan 29, White House and Republicans Congress brainstormed about what to do. ..

white house iraq group

'There is a strategy now, devised by White House communications director Dan Bartlett, Mary Matalin, a former aide to Vice President Cheney, and former Bush aide Karen Hughes. ... 'President Bush Meets with Leading Economists,' White House news release, January 21, 2003. ...

the white house plugged 'unity' ahead of the state of the union.

WASHINGTON — For all of the talk from White House aides about how President Trump's State of Union address would center on unity and finding common ground, the thrust of his Tuesday night was anything but.. ... According to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers..

state of the union fact check: what's true and false in trump's

It had the support of then-Speaker of House Paul Ryan, Koch brothers, and President Barack Obama.. The front of Obamas home is in photos, and the walled-off house pictured in the meme is not actually Pelosi's, PolitiFact reported, pants on fire... ..


January 1, 2015 Back To the Future in President Reagan 1986 State of the Union Address . House Floor . C-SPAN clip by CraigCaplan . 52 seconds . 45,840 views . . . . ..


“Trump has assailed essential institutions and traditions including the separation of powers, a free press, an independent judiciary, the impartial delivery of justice, safeguards against corruption, and most disturbingly, the legitimacy of elections,” Freedom House president Mike..

state of the union

President Trump delivers State of Union address, with Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi. ... President Trump with Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi. ..

president donald trump calls for end of resistance politics in...

Lawmakers in the cavernous House chamber sat largely silent. . Looming over the president's address was a fast-approaching Feb. 15 deadline to fund the government and avoid another shutdown. ... The president was surrounded by symbols of his emboldened political opposition. ..

trump calls for end of resistance politics in state of union

Lawmakers in the cavernous House chamber sat largely silent. . Looming over the president's address was a fast-approaching Feb. 15 deadline to fund the government and avoid another shutdown. ... The president was surrounded by symbols of his emboldened political opposition. ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.