
barone's guide to government: the 25th amendment

The Amendment to Constitution, ratified Feb 10, 1967, fills lacuna left by Framers of Constitution and subsequent members of Congress for nearly 200 years how to fill in the vice-presidency and how to provide for succession in case of the incompetence of president.. ..!/quality/90/?

elizabeth warren's dna test shows she isn't native american, makes her

White House . Congress . Campaigns . All Politics . . . . Policy . Defense & National Security . ... White House . Congress . Campaigns . All Politics . . . . Policy . Defense & National Security . ..!/quality/90/?

why democrats resort to incivility

The media attempting to draw parallels between these recent events and spectacles that appear to cast Republicans and conservatives in the role of delirious demonstrators or would-be assassins — the 2011 shooting of Democratic Gabby Giffords or angry voters shouting at congressmen after the passage of..

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