monthly review

Three prominent politicized NGOs in Ukraine, the International Center for Policy Studies, the Western Ukraine Regional Training Center, and The Center for Political and Legal Reforms have visible links to Yushchenko. ... House Republican from Bush’s home state of Texas, Ron Paul,..

us: transgender women abused in immigration detention

In June 2015, the US government announced new set of guidelines intended to improve their detention conditions, making it priority to place them in units that house women. you're setting them up for violence, said Isa Noyola, director of programs at Transgender Law Center, and leading..

ashcroft seeks more anti-terror laws

In his first appearance before the House Judiciary Committee since soon after the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, Ashcroft said he supported broadening a tool of prosecutors targeting people who provide 'material support' to terrorists. ..

negative views of new congress cross party lines

Views are also much more negative shortly after GOP had gained control of House and Senate for the in four decades.. The new national survey by Pew Research Center, conducted May 12-18 among 2,002 adults, finds that just 22% approve of the performance of Republican congressional leaders,..

quake rocks white house, east coast

Video from Department of Defense shows camera shot outside of White House as magnitude earthquake hit the coast. spokesman for National Earthquake Center says Mineral, Virginia was the epicenter of the quake and damage and aftershocks are likely on coast. ..

house gop passes tax cuts 2.0, favors rich, senate likely won't vote

Tax Cuts,Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,Tax Cuts 2.0,Donald Trump,Kevin Brady,Tax Policy Center,GOP tax law,Trump Tax Law . House Republicans just passed their huge 'Tax Cuts 2.0' bill, but it's probably dead in the water . 2018-09-28T22:29:51+02:00 . 2018-09-28T18:43:09+02:00 ...

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