tis the season to be taxed

Director Old Parliament House $360K.. that would be ridiculous amount for Director of the New being used for its primary purpose Parliament house. $360K to make sure the dunnies get cleaned, the security alarm gets turned on at night and the lights turned off... ..


mark levin: barr and durham should investigate trio of former national

Levin, appeared on Fox News host Sean Hannity's show last week and discussed how National Security Council has been exposed as a rat's nest President Trump's White House.. ..


'i thought it was going to be a party’: weeping o’rourke

Despite raising massive $6.1 in the first 24 hours following announcing his White House bid, his campaign failed to sustain fundraising momentum through the rest of the campaign and spent more than it took in.. ..

japan times gone by - news

By the violent wind Wednesday evening, two large, two-storied buildings at Tokyo Medical College at Higashi-Okubo that were being erected, and one of them almost completed, were blown down and destroyed. ..

china and us remain world's apart on major issues

House passage of similar legislation is certain, the measure unanimously approved by the body’s Foreign Affairs Committee. . ... Congressional legislation likely to be signed into law by Trump after House passage will further aggravate things, making resolution of differences all the..

culture wars

And the learned Holy men have been replaced by witches’n’warlocks who would not look out of place in a 1970s Hammer House of Horror movie – though it would be a Hate Crime to say so. . . ..

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