local families advocate for justice's law

She asked state Senate members Thursday to close their eyes and imagine young relative laying in hospital bed with tubes and wires everywhere, their head swollen beyond belief. Shank, R-Washington, seeking passage for the time for Justice's Law, which would increase the penalty for..

central tibetan administration

These plans constitute the militarization of Tibetan Plateau China's push against India and securing the border, Tibet serving as location of Chinese settlers and the source of natural resources for rapidly industrializing economy.   More ... ..

move to 'throw rascals out' keeps growing

After passing up that chance in 15 straight elections, voters in his district in Washington state unceremoniously ditched Foley on Nov. 8 in favor of political newcomer George Nethercutt, who ran head-on against the seniority issue that gave Foley his great power in Congress. ..


Internal Revenue Code prohibition against intervention may burden the exercise of religion to the extent that organization must choose between the receipt of the benefits of tax exemption and in campaign, not every burden on religious exercise is prohibited.. ..

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