monthly review

Jensen’s so-called findings about African-American inferiority were used as an argument to dismantle the government’s compensatory education programs such as Head Start. ..

rehnquist has thyroid cancer

About 22,000 cases of thyroid cancer, are diagnosed in United States each year, according to American Cancer Society. Rodney Taylor, head and neck surgeon at University of Maryland Medical Center, said in interview that tracheotomy sometimes follows surgery to remove patient's thyroid -..

james taranto's opinions

The head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee on the party's chances to take control next November. . Occupy the Media (The American Spectator, December) . 'Tea Party envy' sparks a short-lived leftist protest movement. . ..

bulgarian jewish organisations to stand together against antisemitism

., Dr Joseph Assa, president of Sofia Lodge Carmel 3355 of B'nai B'rith, Viktor Melamed, director of Sofia of American Jewish Committee, the head of Shalom's against antisemitism and hate Robert Djerassy, and Deputy Foreign Minister Georg Georgiev, National Co-ordinator for Combating..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.