iran in iraq: validation of biblical prophecy

Forty years ago this month, the shah of Iran’s government collapsed. This is what opened the door for Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to impose Islamic rule over the Iranian people. ... While al Qaeda was the stated enemy, any fight against the terrorist group meant a fight against the..


Bos TEHRAN, IRAN -- Iranian court has sentenced two Christian of Iran's main denomination and house movement to eight years imprisonment while Christian woman received one-year jail term for undermining Islamic security and system, activist confirmed Thursday, January 11... Bos, Chief..!/quality/90/?

anne frank center in germany compares isis fighters to jews under

Anne Frank Education Center Frankfurt, Germany, has drawn parallel between Jews stripped of their German under Adolf Hitler and Islamic State fighters.. At the center of the citizenship debate Germany is government plan for withdrawing German nationality narrowly to dual citizens. ..

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