freedom for christmas

There have been few sadder spectacles in modern times than John Bull in orange overalls. . “This House cannot any longer keep this country hostage,” Mr Johnson said. . . ..

details of house “impeachment inquiry” resolution – rules for

Resolved, That the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Committees on Financial Services, Foreign Affairs, the Judiciary, Oversight and Reform, and Ways and Means, are directed to continue their ongoing investigations as part of the existing House of Representatives inquiry into whether..

how trump fucked the courts for a generation

As early as this week, Senate Judiciary Committee could vote to approve the nomination of White House Steven Menashi to Second Circuit Court of Appeals, Vermont, and Connecticut and is considered one of the most of the appellate courts — the final step before he's confirmed by Senate. ..

knu says meetings with myanmar state counselor, army chief positive

. / Karen National Union As negotiators are trying to move the peace process forward, “such meetings are a good sign and will help to achieve peace and political negotiation,” said political and ethnic affairs analyst U Ye Tun, a former Lower House member for Hsipaw Township, Shan State. . The..,f_auto,ar_3:2,q_auto:low,c_fill/if_h_lte_200,c_mfit,h_201/!/image/image.jpg

the last december general election that spelled catastrophe for the

While they remained the single party in Commons, they lost their overall majority after Liberals refused to support them in the house... ... Technically, the government was overthrown by the House of Commons, and Government's fate had been sealed by General Election.. ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.