was the great war necessary?

The first difficulty is that Germany's aim, after the war began, to control Belgian coast possibly French Channel ports as well was one that, by Ferguson's own admission, no British government could have tolerated.. ..

dichotomy: education and identity crisis — i

Moreover, Rahman (2002) explained that the British strategies which crafted English as an indicator of privileged class and the language of authority; such as the civil service, the officer corps of the armed forces, the higher judiciary, universities, prestigious newspapers, radio and entertainment exhibit a..

woodrow wilson made democracy unsafe for the world

In his 1864 book review of De Molinari's Cours d'économie politique, Lord Acton points out the relationship between Liegeois-born and Liberal Party 1848, he returned to his own country, and finished his course of economy at Musée d'Industrie of Brussels, where, he has not been altogether well treated by the..

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