reflections on “peace” in afghanistan

Based on conviction that the standards, methods, and ethos of our armed forces were applicable readily exportable, the attendance of ARVN personnel at such Army schools was believed to contribute to the professionalizing of the South Vietnamese military.. ..!/quality/90/?

capitalism is a dead-end narrative for conservatives

Both are undesirable and, of the two, government at least allows some kind of voice or representation of the people, so to young people it seems fairer than the harsh markets that produce winners and losers.. ..

compulsory education as social control

American government schools unleash a barrage of propaganda on students from kindergarten on, compelling children to sing patriotic songs, to pledge allegiance to the flag, and to learn war-sanctifying myths about the U.S. government’s role in the world. ... Westbrook, John Dewey..

innovation is the only way to counter china

And by 2025, China will displace United States according to recent analysis of medical research published by The Journal of American Medical Association.. Based on recent studies of government support for civilian- and military-oriented research in United States, New Zealand, and Europe,..

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