finley: the dean on how to fix government

After documenting the many instances throughout his in which he labored with Republican colleagues and presidents to produce legislation -- including the Clean Water and Endangered Species acts during Richard Nixon -- Dingell offers his thoughts on how to restore integrity and credibility to..

a mexican perspective on trump’s border crisis

He pointed to some positive signs, including the new administration’s appointments to the national immigration agency, and the its criticism of Trump’s handling of Central American migrants. He said the government of outgoing president Peña Nieto is like “an ally of the class bully..


TEHRAN - Arab newspaper reported that relations between Riyadh and Khartoum have darkened due to the decision to leave Saudi-led against Yemen.. ..!/quality/90/?

congress gets a rude awakening on saudi arabia

By demanding answers on Khashoggi killing grilling officials private briefings and public hearings about why the administration still believes Saudi government deserves unlimited American support and forcing the bureaucracy to reassess relationship built on principles that are sorely out..

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