Fueled by misguided faith in the ability to rectify injustice and resolve inequality, leaders proposals always involve increasing the government's size and reach into individuals lives. ..

bulgaria: human rights group under threat

It's completely unacceptable for political party sitting in European government to go said Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia at Human Rights Watch.. ... In phone interview on October, Krassimir Kanev, Bulgarian Helsinki Committee president, told Human Rights Watch that government..

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How can the Government be serious about protecting the rights of Carmel Sepuloni, is not prepared to stand up to protect their inalienable right to life of the disabled. Right to Life asks how can the government be serious about supporting its Suicide Prevention Strategy while at the time..

history: russian government condemn’s european

“Maintains that Russia remains the greatest victim of communist totalitarianism and that its development into a democratic state will be impeded as long as the government, the political elite and political propaganda continue to whitewash communist crimes and glorify the Soviet totalitarian regime;..

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In the very first I do not understand why the local left are so excited by Australian government agreeing to assist Americans investigating the origins of Mueller probe. ... Again I do not understand how telling Australian government who, in turn, told American that Mrs Clinton was..

two views on social order: conflict or cooperation?

So we can see, then, how Shays's Rebellion served the government then in the same way that 9-11 does now it's held up as example of the kind of terror that will befall us if we refuse to government the power and money necessary to make the world peaceful and wonderful. ... But England,..

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