the 'nones' need christ, not sorrow and death

One of the most chilling is the reminder that society's callous disregard for life has led far too many young people to reject God rather than embrace Him.. While some identify such young people as nones, why young people in particular have denied God and embraced the world. ..

uk: a clash of educations

Many might not agree to that sentiment, whether primary or education, possibly many Muslim parents would wish their children not to be taught it as it contradicts one of the most fundamental doctrines of Islamic faith that in God's eyes Islam and Islam alone is the true religion. ..

6.22.2019 : la imc

Sons of Levi were Israelite tribe that received cities and were not allowed to be landowners because Lord God of Israel is their inheritance ... The damascus document, another of these qumran-style early christian documents, writes that god will select few good men. ..

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