far-right german ‘terror’ group in court over violent

Far-right German ‘terror’ group in court over violent attack plot . . ... The anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim Alternative for Germany (AfD) party scored 27.5 per cent in a state election earlier this month, just shy of the 32 per cent garnered by German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s..

misogyny: both medieval and modern

Similarly, Angela Merkel, the departing German Chancellor, was scrutinised heavily about her East German origin and Communist upbringing. ... Similarly, Helmut Kohl, the former German Chancellor and mentor to Merkel, has often patronisingly referred to her as “mein Mädchen”..

notable deaths in 2019

Born in 1944 in German-occupied Poland, he is seen as the creator of a style of naturalistic fashion... . ... German daily Bild quoted him as having told the newspaper in May: 'Nothing is more beautiful than photographing the women you love. ..

news — culture wars

The Germans, on the other hand, “decided that the German armaments potential was insufficient anyway, and that the war would probably be over before the weapon could play a role in its outcome, so let’s not get involved in its production.” . ..

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