monthly review

After the fall of Berlin Wall in 1989 and the collapse of Soviet Union two years later it was difficult to address the question of socialism for at least two reasons its almost complete in the popular mind with Soviet system and the vision of capitalism that was paraded at the time. ..

1968: year of revolution

This was also the year when Vietnam changed in Tet of National Liberation Front, when the conviction of the inevitable defeat of the strongest military machine on the planet at the hands of ragged peasants took hold. ..

rising restrictions on religion

Overall, the study finds that during the period from mid-2007 to mid-2009 government restrictions on religion were high or very in 42 countries, about one-in-five worldwide.4 The 10 countries that had very high restrictions as of mid-2009 were Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, China, Maldives, Malaysia,..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.