monthly review

Although no state of war existed, Washington’s men fell at night upon an encampment of thirty-one Frenchmen, who the French said were on a diplomatic mission, and killed ten of them, including their leader. This act of aggression triggered what American school books call the..

four french citizens are returned by u.s.

PARIS - Four French citizens held without trial for more than two years at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, arrived in France yesterday and were detained by French authorities under the country's anti-terrorism laws. . The four men, who were captured in the American-led war in..

u.s. faces dilemma: how to try suspect

Said Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University: 'Here you would have the worst case for the administration - an American citizen who was arrested on American soil who is going to be moved, presumably, outside the American legal system.' . That would seem to confer greater..


IDENTITY THEFT IN EAST LONDON: NIGERIAN Woman, FATOU JOHNSON teaches using Fake French Passport, National Insurance Card to obtain Disclosure Barring Service certificate for work eligibility…Coerced into prostitution on arrival in Britain *Earlier worked with vulnerable adults at several care homes around..

why study the russian revolution?

Unwilling to sacrifice its own imperialist ambitions and dependent upon the support of British, French and American imperialism, the Provisional Government refused to end the war. ... There had been other revolutions: the English Revolution of 1640-49, the American Revolution of..

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