
senate report: russia tried to invade election systems in all 50

The report stated that “the U.S. intelligence apparatus is, by design, foreign-facing” and admitted that there are “limited domestic cybersecurity authorities except where the FBI and DHS can work with state and local partners,” which is why the U.S. election systems were so vulnerable to..

nozick on our debt to society

While the Department was created in response to the 9/11 attacks, the Department does nothing to address anything like a 9/11-style attack, and all the agencies that were supposed to provide intelligence on such attacks — the FBI for instance — already exist in other departments and continue to..!/quality/90/?

the principled gop of the near past wouldn't recognize today's party

Republicans then spent two years trashing American patriot and acclaimed former FBI director, appointed again and again by Republican presidents, because he dares investigate Russian interference.. ..

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