
kirsten gillibrand avoids criticizing women's march accused of

But nevertheless, the candidate declined to criticize Women's March, anti-Semitism and refusing to denounce Louis Farrakhan.. ... But especially associating with figures like Farrakhan could prove disastrous. ..!/quality/90/?

debbie wasserman schultz dumps the women’s march

Among the chief examples of the march's dance with anti-Semitism is the praise and continued defenses that Mallory has showered on Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan. ... Instead, she has attended Farrakhan's speeches and posted her support for him on media, referring to him as the, the..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/e4vuukbnivlzkxtbqkc1.jpg

the state of the women's march

The most serious critique of the organization has been in the charges that leaders of Women’s March Incorporated, in particular, Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour, are anti-Semitic due to past associations with the Nation of Islam’s notoriously anti-Semitic, not to mention patriarchal and homophobic,..

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