land and freedom

From the aftermath of Columbus accidental discovery of New World, to the ever-deeper encroachments of Israeli settlements into West Bank — five hundred years of European colonialism has cast long shadow over this world. ..

white supremacy goes prime time

Add to this the flow of migrants to Europe from West Asia, North Africa and Sub- Saharan Africa which has encouraged the Right in the continent to manipulate baseless fears about the so-called threat to the white, European way of life from these newcomers whose cultures and religions are different. ..

the gop's sinister new nationalism

Mind you, most Soviet and East European Communists were not Jewish, and neither are most neo-cons. ... And transnational bodies like the European Union have largely failed the test of democratic representation and accountability. . . ..

larry diamond talks russia, china, “ill winds” on kara swisher

And with Marine Le Pen and National Front France, with Matteo Salvini and his remarkable electoral success in Italian elections, and now in European Parliament elections, is the most dynamic and influential party Italy.. ... And which Trump has kind of tongue cheek given to Russian to intervene..

forty years of iranian intolerance

For forty years, the UN, governments including the US and the European Union, the European Parliament, and NGOs such as Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International, as well as the international community have issued repeated condemnations of the Iranian government for its persecution of..


., Carlos Martin Ruiz de Gordejuela, the spokesman of European Commission for the cooperation and development, said.. ..

fueling an empire

According to European Commission, China's foreign direct investment to Africa in 2017 was $40 billion EU's investment was $325 billion.. ... This is why U.S government has upheld Monroe Doctrine, that European powers must not interfere in Western Hemisphere. ..

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