how world war 2 happened – the manila times

This begs the question was this the only document signed by one of European countries, back then Soviet Union, with Nazi Germany. ... Thus, the treaty between Soviet Union and Germany was the in line of treaties signed by European countries that seemed to be interested in maintaining..

un report warns isis is reasserting under new leader believed to be

It reported that ISIS suffered setback to its ability to inspire attacks November 2019, with European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation operation with Internet companies that resulted in the removal of large quantities of ISIL online material, especially from Telegram's instant messaging..

how wikipedia fought back against a ban in turkey.

In April 2019, the foundation lodged an application with the European Court of Human Rights. ... As reported by Wired UK, Wikipedia editors in Hong Kong saw an influx last year of mainland Chinese editors using VPNs to edit Chinese Wikipedia to state that Hong Kong was governed by Beijing. ..

into the brexit unknown, a dis-united kingdom exits the

British Union Jack flag flutters outside of European Parliament of the vote on Brexit Brussels, Belgium January 29, 2020. ... Opponents see leaving as step back from the world that imperils both United Kingdom and European project that united continent of democracies after millennia of..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.