sisi’s illusion of stability

Europe has criticised Sisi and, ultimately, delivered message especially in the wake of the migration crisis, European leaders will ignore its abuses. ... European leaders should recognise that Sisi's autocratic rule does not provide the stability they desire. ..

is a workers’ brexit deal possible? -

EU laws include strict rules in the European Fiscal Compact, limiting public spending and government borrowing, thus enforcing austerity. ... This would be the basis of a movement to fight to overthrow capitalism in different European countries and fight for a socialist Europe, in place of..!/image/203589745.jpg_gen/derivatives/headline_1200x630/203589745.jpg

the fake nazi death camp: wikipedia’s longest hoax, exposed - israel

Though Icewhiz has earned a bad reputation on Wikipedia, due to his combative personal style and aggressively pro-Israel position, his claims of an encyclopedic conspiracy are not unfounded: In 2009, WikiLeaks (which is not connected to Wikipedia) released a batch of emails revealing the existence of a group..

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