the rise and fall of british democracy

It was Benn, more than any other politician, who secured Britain’s first national referendum in 1975, on membership of the European Economic Community. ... But if pro-European Conservatives, Labour Corbynsceptics and left-wing Brexiteers are purged from the Commons, parliament will become..

chicago boyz » rhetoric

How Declaration of Independence evolved from its first draft by Thomas Jefferson to the revised draft by Committee of Five to the final changes made by the Continental Congress as committee of the whole. ..

exxonmobil faces eu parliament ban after no show at climate hearing

ExxonMobil faces losing its lobby privileges at European after the company failed to show up for the first hearing into climate change denial... ... ExxonMobil's influence Brussels is such that European commission tried to enlist its help TTIP negotiations in 2013, discussing provisions..


By the community, The US Golan Heights decision, has been met with condemnation, with the UN and even Washington's Persian Gulf and European allies blasting the move.. ..

immigrants, visible minorities say quebec government targeting them

The fact that Quebec has insisted on favouring immigrants who already speak the desired lingua franca has meant that those immigrants will not in any way resemble the formerly homongenous white European features that have constituted the population since the days of Champlain's settlements. What..

reckoning with failure in the war on terror

The arrival of millions of Muslim refugees in Europe from states such as Libya, Syria (which alone has produced a million refugees in Europe), Iraq and Afghanistan has dramatically bolstered the appeal of European neofascists. Nearly 73 percent of Britons who voted for their nation to leave the..

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