the economic 'scramble for africa'

African Union Commission, body named received the grant and also benefited from other EU-funded programs. The significance of Europe and Africa's relationship is often buried in jargon, and at its most basic level, it's the story of European Union financing..

open access future for european psychiatry

Converting to open access, that is, providing online access to all articles of  European Psychiatry for everyone,   appeared vital move to ensure that maximum of psychiatrists and clinicians Europe, and around the world, have access to important new findings...


Iranian officials had earlier warned that European Union's failure in providing the needed ground for Tehran to enjoy the economic benefits of the nuclear deal would exhaust the country's patience.. ..

liberation from the parasite state

Liberalism arose in the 17th and 18th centuries as Europe and America's response to monarchical absolutism. ... Jérôme-Adolphe Blanqui, Histoire de l'économie politique en Europe depuis les anciens jusque'à nos jours (Paris: Guillaumin, 1837), p. x. ..

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