notable deaths in 2019

Buckner debuted with Los Angeles Dodgers at age in 1969, became All-Star, won batting title with Chicago Cubs, and committed the error at first base for Boston Red Sox during World Series. ..

2009 july

By Cary Shuman The Giants, under the direction of Alex Wallace and coaches Steve Roncevic and Richard DiMartino, captured their second Revere Little League playoff championship, clinching the title with victory over Dodgers Saturday at McMackin Field. ..

john ostrander: being 42

It starred Chadwick Boseman as Jackie Robinson who was the black baseball player who first integrated Major League Baseball with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947. ... It also stars Harrison Ford as Branch Rickey, the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers who hired Robinson. ..

frc blog » archives march 2007

Before you would-be draft dodgers rush off to buy a one-way bus tickets to Canada, keep in mind that hardly anyone—including the military and Murtha’s fellow legislators—agrees that a draft is desirable. . ..

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