january 17th playbook

Tribune Review: Plum School District’s 2019-20 school year budget talks have begun . ... Times-Tribune: Scranton School District moves one step closer to state takeover . ..

how does a government shutdown affect campus?

Joyce Beatty of Ohio’s 3rd Congressional District said students should not worry about financial aid during the government shutdown. ... Joyce Beatty of Ohio’s 3rd Congressional District encompassing campus said students should not worry about financial aid. . ..

impeach trump now

In response, Nixon released transcripts of the tapes that were so obviously expurgated that a district judge approved a subpoena from the special prosecutor for the tapes themselves. ..

john l. hanson jr.

Hanson Jr speaks with Strauss Moore Shiple, project director with the South Carolina's Olde English District,  and Louis Venters, professor of African-America and American history at Francis Marion University... ..


TEHRAN (FNA)- Anti US Base protesters stage a rally outside the gate of Ryukyu Cement Co.s pier in Awa district of Nago, Okinawa prefecture, Japan. ..

the “kosher nostra” nation

The recent incident where a Texas school district speech pathologist was sacked because she refused to sign an oath declaring she would never support the BDS movement is just one of the more recent and glaring examples of this draconian effort to stifle any kind of debate about Israel. . ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.