
state department: anti-russia energy policy isn't about us

President Trump's to pipeline connecting Russia to western Europe has nothing to do with boosting sales for American gas companies, State Department official argued Monday... ..

deficit climbs to $303 billion over first two months of fiscal 2019

Spending on Department of Veterans Affairs rose by $5 billion, or 17 percent, due to in the number of compensation beneficiaries and in the average benefit payment... Outlays for Department of Homeland Security fell by $7 billion, or 41 percent, largely due to disaster relief spending.. ..

remembering william blum

In 1967, he left State Department over US Southeast Asia, massacring millions to advance its imperium agenda begun in the century, accelerated post-WW II, endless wars waged from then to now against nations threatening no one, countless millions slaughtered, the human toll of no consequence.. ..

russia behind yellow vest protests in france?

Earlier protests Iran, Syria, Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Armenia, Serbia, Ukraine, Georgia, Egypt, Tunisia, Myanmar, Tibet, Kyrgyzstan, Czechoslovakia, and elsewhere were made in USA by CIA, National Endowment for Democracy, USAID, State Department, and other US dark forces.. ..


It also requires Department of Health and Human Services to report to Congress on the effects of violence on minority communities.. ..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/fphjniulx6rxpwhqhus4.jpg

why they kneel: minneapolis vs. seattle

To examine the injustice and inequality that prompted some NFL players to protest during the anthem, each week, for the remainder of NFL season, The Root will explore the data behind racial disparities in the two cities represented in National Football League's premiere matchup — Monday Night Football... ..

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