efficiency experts for the welfare state

Department of Agriculture. Recipients of food-stamp benefits receive a deposit on an EBT card each month that can be used only for prepackaged food items. ... Department of Labor and administered by the states. It provides “unemployment benefits to eligible workers who become unemployed..


Arkansas Department of Health announced Thursday employee of Arkansas State University's food service and volunteer at Jonesboro Salvation Army both tested positive for the virus.. week the department of transportation announced Thursday it would prohibit parking along that stretch of..

notable deaths in 2018

Salling faced a sentence of between four to seven years in prison under the plea agreement he reached with prosecutors, the Justice Department said in December 2017. ..

disabled women a target for rapists

The assumption made was that those with impairment would not be able to identify perpetrators and those with mental challenges may not remember what could have happened, Dr Sisa Ngabaza, lecturer at the department of women and gender studies at University of Western Cape.. ..

history major maintains popularity

According to department chair Joanne Meyerowitz, Yale's Department of History plans to add six of. ... Yair Mintzker, Princeton University professor of history, said that the department experienced temporary decrease in history enrollment after the 2008 financial crisis. ..

the double standards applied to academic freedom

Trying to educate myself about our foremothers who fought for gender-based equality in academia, I am reminded of the struggle of Louise Lamphere, the professor who when denied tenure in the anthropology department at Brown in 1974, jointly with three other female colleagues, took the university to..


byron york: from fishy beginning, mueller case against michael flynn

But some officials in Obama Justice Department decided that Flynn might have violated Logan Act, 218 year-old law under. ... Comey said the same thing to Senate Judiciary Committee and, in the words of Chairman Chuck Grassley, that Justice Department was to prosecute for false..

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