
a culture of life means sparing the lives of even the worst criminals

The government will resume punishment, moving forward with the executions of five death row inmates, the first for the prison system since 2003, Attorney General William Barr announced Thursday.. ..

can the party of lincoln be racist? absolutely

In a united front to defend the president, the entire Republican Party deflected blame to their “socialist colleagues,” and objected to a House resolution condemning Trump’s comments. Only four Republicans voted with Democrats to pass it. . Yes, the Republican Party is showing itself..

how the people change history

Trump will repeat in 2020 thanks to the transparently Democrats continuing practice of going around saying, 'We're for the people, we're for the little guy when all they do is run to Wall Street for money.. ..

u.s. rep. martha roby won't seek re-election

The fractured field forced Roby into a runoff with Bright, but Bright was unable to overcome criticisms about previously representing the district as a Democrat. Roby was also buoyed by an endorsement from Trump, and she eventually defeated Bright in the runoff that summer by a more than..

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