the mahablog

Democrats are going to continue to pursue Trump’s wrongdoing, while Trump supporters will insist the Dems are beating a dead horse and that the issues investigated by Mueller have been resolved. ... This week the Trump campaign was forced to withdraw a campaign video because..

donald trump is no richard nixon. he’s worse

And yet Trump seems very likely to escape direct accountability. House Democrats may well opt against pursuing impeachment, for entirely understandable reasons: It might be too wrenching for the country, in the absence of a clear popular consensus supporting Trump’s removal. ..

mueller's report is the beginning, not the end

A collision of some kind between the president (along with his attorney general) and Democrats who control the House of Representatives is now inevitable. . The report's bottom line is easily lost in the details about Trump himself: that the United States has a president whom Russia actively..

nattering nadlers of nihilism

The Mueller Report appears to be crafted to keep in overthrowing Trump among Democrats. ... By hook or by crook or the Now we will have to listen to Democrats and their yammer on until Trump is defeated-fashioned way.. ..

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