since our latest issue went to press. . .

March 30 Trump Administration announces plans to end foreign assistance programs for Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, because of how Trump is over immigrants fleeing those countries — something that would worsen if all aid is cut.. Cummings, Democrat of Maryland, reveals..

in trump’s america: mr 53%

At this point I do think it’s very possible that Rosenstein recognized the democrat-led conspiracy and had enough.  ... The worst possible jury found no evidence of collusion or conspiracy, a conclusion from which democrats have yet to recover. . . ..

can congress force trump to hand over his tax returns?

Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, said during an interview on Fox News Sunday that Democrats will “never” see Trump’s tax returns, insisting that the tax issue “was already litigated during the election.” . ... Congressional Democrats have good reason..

america's new motto: 'out of chaos, power'

The president of United States is the minister of government who commands the use of the sword, and Congress of United States represents the sovereign will authorized by nature and Constitution to procure the resources required to forge and make use of it.. ..

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