
stacey abrams left it open for americans to see: democrats want open

there is no way around the fact that Democrats support unfettered and unregulated immigration. Trump said, Now is the time for Congress to show the world that America is committed to ending immigration and putting the ruthless coyotes, cartels, drug dealers, and human traffickers out of..!/quality/90/?

byron york: trump goes big, uses delayed state of the union to make

Indeed, Democrats didn't have much to say in response to Trump's economic record. ... Some Democrats expressed approval of Trump's words. But others remained stone-faced. ..

state of the union fact check: what's true and false in trump's

According to Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University, of the female voting members of the House and Senate in the tonight, 106 are Democrats and just 21 are Republicans.. When Trump took office, the rate of GDP growth was 1.8 percent for the quarter of 2017 in the..

trump calls for end of resistance politics

He warned Democrats 'ridiculous partisan investigations' into his administration and businesses could hamper a surging American economy. . ... House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was praised by Democrats for her hard-line negotiating during the shutdown, sat behind Trump as he spoke. ..!/quality/90/?

democratic women celebrate on the house floor in reaction to trump's

You were not supposed to do that, Trump added after Democrats stood cheered after his remark.. Democratic in the midterm elections ran successful campaigns built on their resistance to Trump. ..

president donald trump calls for end of resistance politics in...

As he condemned political turmoil in Venezuela, Trump declared that 'America will never be a socialist country' -- a remark that may also have been targeted at high-profile Democrats who identify as socialists.áá . ... House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was praised by Democrats for..

trump calls for end of resistance politics in state of union

As he condemned political turmoil in Venezuela, Trump declared that 'America will never be a socialist country' — a remark that may also have been targeted at high-profile Democrats who identify as socialists.   . ... House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was praised by Democrats for..

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