
ilhan omar and candace owens show both sides of the aisle succumb to

Owens, poised, articulate black woman who supports Trump, did not fit Democrats narrative, especially not sitting behind her at the hearing, grew up in America where words like 'racism and 'white nationalism held real meaning under Democratic Party's Jim Crow laws... ..

the new identity politics

For example, in the US in the 1930s, under New Deal with Franklin Roosevelt, something like 80 cent of rural white southerners voted for Democratic Party candidate. Today, among low-skilled white workers, you have vast increase in the number of single-parent families, you have..

house democrats press on with investigations after mueller report

And despite Mueller deciding not to prosecute anyone from Trump's team for coordinating with Russia, Democrats still want to expose non-criminal misconduct  that his report highlights, including the  numerous links the special counsel found between Trump campaign officials and people with ties or claiming..

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